Daniel · 13 answers · 3y

Were you an uncool teenager?

No, I've always been cool. I was a very cool baby even. The first thing the doctor said when I was born was, "this is the coolest baby I've ever delivered. Literally every other baby is a loser compared to this one." And when I was a child? Yeah, I was cool. People used to meet me as a child and be like, "This is the coolest kid alive. Actually, should I just kms because I'm an adult and I'm not even a shred as cool as this literal child in 1st grade is???" and then they would set sail on a boat or raft and never be heard from again. Yes, that happened multiple times. All true. So ofc I was very cool as a teenager, so cool that people have actually blocked it out and if you asked them they wouldn't remember because it's too painful a memory because they couldn't stand how cool I was.

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