Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 4y

What do you think about "Fries Before Guys" and "Bros before Hoes"?

Sometimes your bro is also your ho--so what then, Aristotle, you bitch? Yeh, it's his quote. dont google it. In fact, I would say that 100% of the time your bro is also your ho if y'all are for real. If you're sure that your bro isn't your ho then y'all aren't really bros, y'all aren't really close, you've clearly never been in The Shit together, and your relationship is basically meaningless.

'Fries before guy' is illegal because if you were starving it'd probably be more sustaining to eat a guy rather than a fry. It's misleading and it could cost people their lives.

The femme equivalent of 'bros before hos' is actually 'sisters before misters.' Although, my friend has a cat named Mr. Baby and I'm concerned she could feel excluded here. She's a pretty swanky cat, and I don't think she deserves to be excluded. I also feel that if you refer to all grils as your 'sisters' all the time then the ones that are dtf are going to think you're straight.

These are my thoughts on the the matter

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