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Nameless Grub · 7d

💜 glad to hear it. yeah scrivs real useful. i'll probably write some notes about torture works when the ebook comes out. thanks, and same to you!

Nameless Grub · 6d

im not sure if u have before but can u talk a bit about the erohazard symbol ? ur works rlly resonate w me but something abt the symbol just blew me away, so much so i knew immediately i wanted it either branded, tattooed or scarred in my skin. id just love to hear more about it, what it means, the history, etc… if thats something youve thought abt before

the symbol is by Evan, as part of a series of INNOCENT signs indicating zone hazards/conditions

like many effective symbols, it has been independently discovered in many cultures throughout history
like anything with X’s or O’s or smiley faces
i'm sure there's other symbols that combine these elements
but Evan made this one working on our game. i'm glad you like it. you can see the other signs here. very grateful to the INNOCENT propaganda wing. <3

the feeling is what it is

Nameless Grub · 1mo

i lied, but this is more of a personal thank you. I've read serious weakness enough times to have 580 highlights in my reading app. A few particular phrases highlighted into obscurity: but the smell of fresh copper intrudes, in this world without connection, because love isn't real. im so tired of it. Like what you said about guns. one way. withholding is power. im clearly bad at the last, but i figured mindless praise wouldn't be minded. You filled a little bit of my souls cavity.

💜💜💜 thank you, i love hearing the favorite parts. little bursts of things i'd forgotten... 🦷

Nameless Grub · 11d
Nameless Grub · 7d

I work at a bookstore and want to bring in Serious Weakness, but we can't because it doesn't show up at Ingram. Do you have any plans for that? (KDP titles can be made to appear there AFAIK)

I would love that. But I'm reading that KDP expanded distribution is a scam that basically just lowers my royalties--and publishing on Ingram requires buying a new ISBN, which wouldn't be cost-effective unless more bookstores shared your good taste. But I really don't know much about that side of things. If there's an affordable/free way of getting you the book, let me know! ✌️

Nameless Grub · 13d

i fucking love the new game gonna go pre-atone so many times wahhhhh

Nameless Grub · 12d

Hello! New fan here and the eggs you've implanted in my brain are commanding me to draw fanart. Today's question is if you're alright with people making prints of fanart for personal display? Just wanted to be 110% sure.

My friend is also curious about if fanfic/transformative works are permitted. We are both thoroughly infested with eggs. Thank you and I hope you're having a good day!

making prints for personal use + fanfic is totally fine. i'm happy that someone else would want to play with the same toys. thanks for keeping the eggs warm! SQWCHHCCHWCHHSPLURCH 🥚 🥚 🥚 💥

Nameless Grub · 15d

i love your work and your presence on here i just want to know how r u doing? i get so worried abt grub lives;;;;;; ;-; ur book looks so good im so excited :3

aw, thanks for asking. i've been good. my body is always a little fucked but i’m hanging in there! the weather is warming up which is energizing for coldblooded vermin like me. been having really nice conversations with friends, and working on random experiments which is good for my chaos brain. we had vermont curry and i danced around…i dance all the time…in everything i do. have a nice day 💜🐛🐛🐛🌦️

Nameless Grub · 18d
Nameless Grub · 15d

i had a dream i came across torture works in a barnes and noble. all the other books surrounding it on the shelf took on a lumpy, saturated texture, with ribbed tubes and complex tissues sprouting out of their covers. i felt physically ill when i opened it, like a slime was building up in my larynx. the dream-people i was with were pressuring me to buy it. a rousing endorsement from my subconscious!

what an amazing dream
yeah that's perfect
thank you for serving as a vessel for the TORTURE WORKS OFFICIAL SUPERBOWEL COMMERCIAL

Nameless Grub · 20d

If you had the chance to do a Secret Lair release for Magic, which 4-5 cards would you like to re-illustrate?

pack 1: Dovescape, Bolas's Citadel, Captive Audience, Phyrexian Unlife, Elesh Norn Grand Cenobite

pack 2: Thief of Sanity, Earthbind, Wheel of Torture, some kind of nasty blue/black instant, and Duress or whatever

Nameless Grub · 21d

heres a take had today which is that ftms and mtfs, in gay male spaces, have the ultimate solidarity, because we're both put into the pussyboy/ boywife category
its the inescapable label of the boyfail. one is eternally boyfail for trying to be a boy but having a pussy and teh other is eternally boyfail for wanting to be a girl. and theyre both expected to be the ones getting fucked
trianon is the mascot of both for this exact reason

i love that he's relatable across the spectrum...the ultimate cross-platform martyr of our times...we can fit so much suffering into this baby!

Nameless Grub · 21d

I'm so sorry if this has been answered before!! But do you plan on having torture works as a pdf/epub? I want to read it so badly but I unfortunately live with people who won't be very comfortable with the cover. :(

Yes! I'm waiting for the layout department to finish the epub, then it will be on amzn, and on itchio w/ PDF. Meanwhile, subscribers to my patreon can get the PDF anytime.
For people living in sensitive environments, the cover can be painted with black paint, or creatively defaced in other ways, or ripped off and hidden under the mattress. And it contributes to the illicit, adolescent thrill. Thank you for playing <3

Nameless Grub · 1mo

Oh also- how much do you read? Daily, weekly, whatever scale. I've been inquiring this for a lot of the people I respect. After a seizure I've struggled to read dense, meaningful text quite a bit. So I've been wondering how much this will cripple my want to understand the world and make art about my loving disgust for it

Nameless Grub · 1mo

can you elaborate on the "people play games to be punished" line? As someone heavy into game studies it doesn't really parse. A lot of your games, despite the flux between decisions and their consequences or lack of, feel almost revelatory in that agency at times. Games are inherently masochistic to a point, but I would think we can seek that masochism for reasons beyond punishment. or do i need to actually read Foucault to parse? but also ty for the amazing work porp

i just say shit


games can be whatever. but i do like punishing people with art. on tumblr someone compared Serious Weakness to one of those haunted houses where they beat you up. yeah...
thanks! <3

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