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Nameless Grub · 5d

Read "Cupbearer to the Gods" and everytime I keep thinking I have boundaries in what can be handled in fiction, your stuff instills such an addictive fear it almost feels illegal. Had to look behind my shoulder to make sure I wouldnt get in trouble.
Thank u for making freaky as hell art as always!!!!!!!! ... I'm so interested to hear insight on such a fucked up world (though honestly maybe not all that far off seeing the people in Power lol...)

haha thank you 💜 I will post more episodes that show more of the world! together we will destroy pederasty for all time!

Nameless Grub · 6d

high kill shelter is the most elegant story i have read in a while. every element of the interaction between the dogs and their meat is a node and when it’s brought together it’s a texture that feels good on the brain. nothing is wasted. it’s like feeling both the inside and outside of a thing simultaneously, as one thing without conflict but instead streamlined into one system like a mobius strip. i think there’s an low hanging sex metaphor in that but i’m too sleapy to follow thru 💤🛏🦡

thank you, that's really good to hear <3 no meat wasted...meat wrapped around meat, becoming hypermeat!! 🥩🥩🥩

Nameless Grub · 11d

Thank you so much for High Kill Shelter. You really get how hot the brutality of brute forcing a person into something that is no longer the shape of a person is. This is what I mean when I say cnc petplay!
This reminded me a lot of an rp I did a long time ago with a good friend who's dead now. We had a lot of fun turning her into a crude pained thing in the shape of a dog. I miss her a lot and this really made my day 💛

yessss the cutesy shit doesn't do it for me, i need the terror of the hounds...thank you!!

that is so sweet ;; i'm glad you can remember her this way. i will think of her. 💜💌

Nameless Grub · 17d

thank you. the hidden world is always influencing but people don't like to think about the weather of gut flora and parasites passing through us. they want the head to be in control and fuck the world like a penis. but i think they are so beautiful, the many smaller penises inside 💜 and i just love coffee and when folgers approached me to do their new commercial, i couldn't say no

Nameless Grub · 18d

highly concentrated weapons-grade incest…being a lot, wanting a lot, two boys opening wounds in each other trying to give birth to each other, it’s a complicated sucking wound, being ripped from family. on the bright side, it makes for great porn…

yes, I need to do it a particular way or it’s “death to me”. there's a lot of it in my writing but my next projects are EXTREMELY focused on this 🪱🍷

thank you. I hope you can mix your own incest insect cocktail <3

Nameless Grub · 15d
Nameless Grub · 13d

Approximately how much time passed in Serious Weakness?

five seconds but it felt a lot longer

ummm i think it says in the book but it's kind of vague. weeks? a month? some parts are concrete, others blur together, by design...but the clues are all there in the text. 👁️‍🗨️⏰

Nameless Grub · 13d

thank you for greenwich mean time. never read a character who thinks about justice, vengeance & god in a way that is relatable to my experience. never read a character who feels truly aspirational like she does. no question just thanks.

Nameless Grub · 29d

hi i love serious weakness!! it's the best thing i've read in 2022 and it has consumed my soul! serious weakness but with girls is my yuri love lesbian with a boyfriend slaughter obsession! have you thought about making a playlist for it? i love your writing xoxo.

i have that goofy playlist for SW in the faq post but i haven't made one for SWbwG! evil girl music...
thank you!! 💜❌⭕

Nameless Grub · 24d

sorry to probably be the 90 millionth person to ask!! when is ur book coming out on kindle/ebook? thank U thank U!

Nameless Grub · 29d

love INNOCENTverse so much and am so so excited for it. can i ask what the slogans on the website mean/if theyre references to anything? ive enjoyed trying to piece them together on my own and have a few guesses but cannot make much sense of it

Nameless Grub · 1mo

💜 glad to hear it. yeah scrivs real useful. i'll probably write some notes about torture works when the ebook comes out. thanks, and same to you!

Nameless Grub · 1mo

im not sure if u have before but can u talk a bit about the erohazard symbol ? ur works rlly resonate w me but something abt the symbol just blew me away, so much so i knew immediately i wanted it either branded, tattooed or scarred in my skin. id just love to hear more about it, what it means, the history, etc… if thats something youve thought abt before

the symbol is by Evan, as part of a series of INNOCENT signs indicating zone hazards/conditions

like many effective symbols, it has been independently discovered in many cultures throughout history
like anything with X’s or O’s or smiley faces
i'm sure there's other symbols that combine these elements
but Evan made this one working on our game. i'm glad you like it. you can see the other signs here. very grateful to the INNOCENT propaganda wing. <3

the feeling is what it is

Nameless Grub · 2mo

i lied, but this is more of a personal thank you. I've read serious weakness enough times to have 580 highlights in my reading app. A few particular phrases highlighted into obscurity: but the smell of fresh copper intrudes, in this world without connection, because love isn't real. im so tired of it. Like what you said about guns. one way. withholding is power. im clearly bad at the last, but i figured mindless praise wouldn't be minded. You filled a little bit of my souls cavity.

💜💜💜 thank you, i love hearing the favorite parts. little bursts of things i'd forgotten... 🦷

Nameless Grub · 1mo
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