Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 26d

When guys call some other guys 'pussy' it implicates weakness. Why do not they call each other with a different name? It is obviously wrong from a biological point of view and obviously wrong from a functional point of view. So it must have other reason? Ideas?

Maybe down the path of wussy?,. As in wus, or cowardly. It's weird because vaginas are exceptionally strong! The bleed every month and not die like a horror movie monster.. they are amazing🤣

Pussy or vagina refers to girls that are physically and mentally different than guys.

Not that I do it, but I totally see why people do it on a phonetical basis, the sharp 'P' followed by the teasing 'sseee' - to me 'don't be so pissy' also works.

It's funny that those type of guys do that. It's like not respecting their own mother.
I hate those kind of people.

I always thought pussy was a stand-in for woman, the 'weaker' sex, and it had nothing to do with the biology or physiology of that specific body part, but it was simply that it was associated with women

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