Voice in Yuri's Head · 16d

If you could visit any time period in the past (without fear of changing history) and any place in that time period, when and where would you visit? Why?

This is more of a "Straight, Cis, White" dude question, I feel? 😅 I dunno if you've ever noticed but, the past was the WORST. I don't know if I'd feel very safe at any point in time (hell, even today it's dicey) as a queer, atheist lefty PoC. Like, even in my own country, things were rough.

I guess the 80s? it'd be nice to visit. If it's just for a day... yeah, nah, I can't think of anywhere historical or cultural. Plenty of places in our time, but with modern medicine, technology and amenities.

I'm a wuss.

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