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EverBeyondReach · 7 answers · 2d

What is something that you are very "snobish" about, ae in youll have but only at a high standard?

Voice in Yuri's Head · 4d


EverBeyondReach · 9 answers · 4d

What was the first movie you saw in theaters?

I don't really remember? 🤔 You'll have to forgive me, I was born in the last third of the 1900s.

The earliest memories I have of going to the movies is of watching the Ninja Turtles and, I f***ing kid you not, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. I believe that was also the first "what the ASS?" moment of my life. 😆

Voice in Yuri's Head · 4d

How would you describe your relationship (if any) with the concept of gender?

Voice in Yuri's Head · 5d

How are you so cute?

🤨 Have you seen me? no need to answer, you obviously haven't, friend.

You know I don't actually look like the anime avatar, right? 🤭

Still, thank you for the "question." 😁

Hämy · 6d

What's a choice you've made in the past that you're most happy about now?

Hämy · 8d

What are your comfort movies/shows? The ones you've seen a thousand times but will always happily watch again.

Hämy · 9d

Do you have hope that the future will be better?

I mean, the old fucks have to die sooner or later, right? At the very least it has to suck less and that's technically a better future.

Honestly, if we go extinct, I'd even consider that a step up. We had it coming. 😆 Something like 99% of every species that's ever existed has gone extinct, why do we think we're so goddamn special?

But sure, it will get better, friend. (copium) 😅

Voice in Yuri's Head · 10d

Do your friends know much about you?

"Friends" 😆 That's a good one! haha

No, seriously, I don't have friends. I have had no social contact with the outside world (other than the minimal amount required for work or human interaction with strangers while being outside) for years.

I have my partner and my closest friend I guess would be my former partner but we only talk about 20 minutes 3-4 times a month.

Voice in Yuri's Head · 10d

What's your fave shounen ai pairing/ship?

Voice in Yuri's Head · 10d

Does the yuri in Yuri stand for yuri? uwu

Oh no, I hate having to disappoint someone on this. 😅 It's just short for Yuriel (rhymes with "Danielle" not with "Aunt Muriel")

I'm more of a "shounen ai" kind of gal 😆 but I have nothing but love for all my yuri-loving peeps out there.

Bonus Fact: I once wrote a short Tomoyo x Sakura lewd fic in the late 90s. So, we're not so different, y'all and I. 🤭

Hämy · 11d

If you could have any job or profession in the world, what would it be and why? Skill level or other capabilities wouldn't be an issue, you'd just instantly and magically know how to do it and would be great at it.

Ooh, interesting. 🤔 I've always imagined it would be really fun to be able to perfectly replicate voices and be an impressionist. Not just celebrities and public figures, but singers too. Like, be able to imitate anyone from a punk rock band vocalist to a soprano and match their singing ability. Also, because I'm a geek, I always imagine a restriction for this ability: I can flawlessly copy anyone's speaking or singing voice but 1) only if I've heard them say/sing it; and 2) I wouldn't be able to sing with my own natural voice.

This is also my answer for "what mundane superpower would you like to have?" by the way. 😁

Hämy · 13d

Why is it so hard to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning?

I'm sure it varies for people but my own research has led me to conclude that it's because brains are douchebags. 😑

Hämy · 15d

Do you sing or play a musical instrument?

It has been told in legend that 7 notes of my singing voice is enough to call forth the Nether Beast and consume the world in shadow. I've gone as far as 6 and lost my nerve.

Sadly, my family was not really artistically inclined so I never received any training. I got a toy recorder and a mini-keyboard... apparently, they thought I would teach myself? 😅

I would've loved to have learned to play the cello. Or at least piano, violin, flute or even just the guitar.

Rina Volpina · 15d

What are your top tips for self-care? Say you’re worried or stressed about something, how do you get past that?

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