Hämy · 20d

What are your comfort movies/shows? The ones you've seen a thousand times but will always happily watch again.

Oof. This is pretty hard because, on the one hand, there are several recent shows that I loved but haven't come back to. I mostly rewatch bits or watch a couple of "reactors" I liked. On the other hand, there are a few shows I used to watch a lot of but for very different reasons they... haven't aged particularly well?

  • Frasier (not the whole series, just a few particular episodes) - But Kelsey Grammer is a rancid sack of garbage so it feels weird and I stopped going back to them.

  • Stargate SG-1 (several episodes. except seasons 9-10 where the show took a huge dive) I used to think it was the perfect sci-fi show, and maybe it's still my favourite because I don't know a ton. However, the first season was ROUGH looking back at it. Still, Amanda Tapping, Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge and Don S. Davis (RIP) were such an amazing team.

  • The West Wing (first 5 seasons) Again, I used to think it was the perfect drama series, pretty great writing (if you don't mind the Sorkin formula) and performances. Going back to it... eeeeh 😅 It shows its age. It was seen as this liberal fantasy but now it just seems like some centrist Democrat (even worse after Sorkin left) and even some downright problematic details.

This is already too long so I'll finish with some of my forever movies: The Matrix, Jurassic Park, The Devil Wears Prada, The Avengers and The Lord of the Rings trilogy (and why not? the first two Hobbit movies too).

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