Voice in Yuri's Head · 15d

How would you describe your relationship (if any) with the concept of gender?

Umm... grown apart but on friendly terms with it? like, we see each other every day, say "hi" and how we totally need to get together soon and catch up. We're both so busy, though, and like, the pandini and all, y'know? 😅

Up until a couple of years ago, I thought I was pretty boring in that category and my queerness came from being gay and a bit non-monogamous. Then I started to realise (after being a few month on Fedi, big surprise) there was actually more to it in that area.

I definitely don't feel trans or female nor even some flavour of full "They/Them-ness" but I know for sure "cis" is too narrow.

So, I've graduated to Pan, Poly and Demigender, for what it's worth. 😁

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