Anonymous · 27d

What does the desktop of Minicomp Frames look like? (over the years) -Mylar Dale Tolo

while I haven't 100% finalised them juuust yet, here's the general gist of what I imagine it to look like:

Graphical 1.0: similar to the Windows 1.0 BYTE/Window Manager Demonstration 0.01 build but with more influence from DOS and other text-based UIs for DOS
Graphical 2.0: similar to the Tandy-era Windows 1.0 builds
Frames 3.0: Windows 1.03 with proper windowing support ala Windows 2.0
Frames 4.0: Windows 2.1's MS-DOS Executive
Frames 5/6: Program Manager /w some slight tweaks (6 adds a proto-taskbar similar to the Windows 95 UTB builds), perhaps some influence from OS/2 1.x?
Frames 95-post: taskbar (99SE introduces themes, Frames '02 introduces a sidebar, Frames '04 introduces the Longhorn Excalibur concept's taskbar and transparency, and Sapphire makes it more segmented (as for Quartz onwards, it introduces elements from various Windows concepts you might find online)

of course, I haven't even done the desktops yet (let alone, most of the beta Frames versions), so this might change. also, your Recivilised World vids are pretty good! I'm happy and also surprised that my work is inspiring others to do something similar.

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