Anonymous · 25d
Where do you get the icons for Minicomp Frames? What are the Revolutions that cause companies to close?

If you're referring to the logos I've made for Frames, they were made by me. As for icons specifically, I've used the ones built into PowerPoint (in some cases), and in the UI test I used slightly modified Windows 95 icons.

The Revolutions are intentionally made vague, but I'll try and explain it. Despite laws attempting to prevent it, billionaires still hoard insane amounts of wealth, inequality was at an all time high, increased unemployment, etc. culminated in massive social changes that rippled worldwide. Think of the French Revolution, but instead of royal people it's the 1%.

Yeah, this timeline is pretty biased - it's ultra optimistic and is a right-wing politician's nightmare - but who cares? It's also an in universe reason as to why the timeline stops in 650 - I didn't want to continue making mockups past that date (as I'm not very good with future mockups), so I added a BS reason as to why and left it as is.

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