rq · 15 answers · 11mo

How do you feel about thunderstorms?

Fucking love 'em. As long as there's no damage, anyway. I've been fascinated by severe weather since I was a kid.

i wish the rate of people getting hit by thunderstorms were higher so it actually felt like a risk going out in them

My girlfriend's afraid of the thunder, but I think they're neat.

On a couple occasions I was out biking when a thunderstorm rolled in, those times were both awe-inspiring and horrifying! ;w ;

Thunderstorms are warning signals that you shouldn't go outside without a good reason

I.. am hearing one right now. I like them, I like hearing them, honestly as long as I'm inside.

They're a lot of fun to watch. Unfortunately they seem to hate me. I sat for half an hour at the window this morning at 4am, ready to get cool lightning pics with my camera on a tripod, but all night, the dozens of thunderstorms that covered half of the country avoided my city specifically, so I got nothing…

positive, but just a tad scary (and in this case, a good excuse to reuse old answers)

depends on where i am but since moving to the city its no longer fuck fuck panic but rather "meh"

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