Rune · 7 answers · 2mo

Happy Mob Birthday everyone!
What's something (anything!) in MP100/MRM fanworks you'd self-indulgently would love to see more of?

Happy Mob Day, Rune!!

I'm always down for reimob cozy and cuddly in bed. Literally never misses. The comfier they look the more I want to eat the creation. The vulnerability... The safety... The size difference of their bodies, their feet, their hands... The way they belong in the same bed, even if not in direct body contact... The ways they can hold each other and drape over each other and look for contact even when asleep, brushing noses to cheeks, cheeks to hands, curling against the other's side or back... There's so many different ways it's a banger for me.

Reigen makes the wall side of his stupid tiny bed Mob's side so he doesn't fall onto the floor (since he sleeps on a futon at home) and this is a FACT

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