LaDamaX · 14 answers · 2mo

How are you feeling today? Don’t give me the “I’m fine” polite response. Give me the real deal.

I'm feeling alright. Been doing meditation again, chakra work, spiritual stuff, looking up on biases, reading a book on uncertainty from a psychologist's perspective. Listening to free courses about random subjects like colour therapy, resilience, time management. I plan on studying this year. Just gotta find what I want to do and maybe volunteer in that area first, if possible. I get up at like 7am. Go to bed at about 12am. My sleep schedule in kinda not set though. All in all, life is alright. Plus I don't read or watch the news much. If I do, I try to think of it in a constructive way. A bit curious to find the root causes. Like, I read a little on Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, because it seems he's crushing opposition though he wasn't like that when he started. I read an article then thought, why is he like that? Well, apparently America played a hand in their politics and in the 1980s, well rebels backed by the US apparently, which would explain why he doesn't seem to take kindly to US interference or claims that they are. I won't bother saying more, since I want more sources and want to look up a whole bunch of stuff, to get a clearer and hopefully more accurate picture first.

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