Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 3y

Why do u think there's some ppl don't seem to want covid to end? I get the government not wanting it to end, they get to pass laws they can't pass, control over our lives, but why normal ppl?

Sheeple love being afraid. They must get some high or thrill out of fear. If the government and media give them any excuse to be afraid, they jump at the opportunity. Measles is nothing and they pretended that it's like the bubonic plague or something and all the sheep went along with the retarded hysteria. Look at all the brain-dead retards who STILL believe in and fear Convid-1984. This fake pandemic is the biggest and most obvious hoax ever. According to the scumbags pushing this Covid hoax and THEIR data, the fake virus kills almost no one and only people who are dying anyway. According to what THEY'RE saying, it's a big, fat nothingburger despite them fearmongering about it at the same time. You'd think people would be happy. "Yay, it's a nothingburger! It's being greatly exaggerated. No reason to be afraid!" Nope. The fucking retards get mad when you use the Covid-hoaxers own stuff against them. "Waah! How dare you say there's no reason to be afraid! We love shitting our pants in fear over this unproven virus that kills almost no one if you believe the propaganda! Let us be afraid and beg the government to save us by stealing our rights!" I fucking hate the Covid sheep so much. We're all being dragged into the slaughterhouse because these selfish, brainwashed, brain-dead assholes refuse to give up their fear porn and think for themselves. Sheeple aren't innocent victims. They're just as much to blame as the powers that be if not more.

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