Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 3y

Why do u think there's some ppl don't seem to want covid to end? I get the government not wanting it to end, they get to pass laws they can't pass, control over our lives, but why normal ppl?

Yes I have flipped to rooting for civilization to crumble so I can build Thunderdome

People are too selfish to deal with an inconvenience for a while in order to keep people safe. "I cAnT BReathE iN my mAsK" -probably a trump supporter that thinks he's a badass because he drives a truck

The funeral industry has a constant supply in the US and as long as there is a rampaging infection there will be no common affordable health insurance. Now let's see, who might profit from that? Who is in strong support of doing nothing? Follow the money.

Like "I'm just a regular Joe ( i like football and porno and books about war) but I don't want covid to end, just because man." ? Maybe he personally also benefits from all that shait.

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