Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Which retrospring user probably has the most criminal energy?

Never trust NPCs, especially ones like you, Kirsty, Slagathor, Sean and LaDamaX. What butthurt NPCs you people are. Show me on the doll where freethinking hurt you. "Muh hollow cost! Muh pedophilia!" LMAO at how triggered you all are by independent thinking. I bet you're all autistically screeching about Elon Musk buying Twitter. Seethe harder! Cry harder! It's pathetic and sometimes hilarious how triggered NPCs are by people who have a mind of their own. I'm living in your heads rent free. Trust me, I hate all of you more than you could ever hate me. That's why I try to avoid interacting with you all. I avoid you all and enjoy Retrospring more but you people can't stop seething about me. LMAO. Pissing off NPCs means I'm doing something right. I don't want to be liked by people like you and sure as hell don't need to be liked by people like you. You people would rather die than think for yourselves.

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