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Pandy · 8 answers · 3mo

Thoughts on the US election? What does this mean for the rest of the world?

Politics is a dog and pony show. I don't expect anything good or different to happen but I'm still glad that Trump won just for all the leftist meltdowns. They deserve it! Kamala was part of one of the worst and most hated administrations in US history and they wanted more of that. They're obnoxious, mindless, deranged NPCs with Trump Derangement Syndrome. All they care about is abortion! I'm loving all the liberal tears and salt. They deserve Trump and more! I WISH Trump was as awesome and based as leftists claim he is! He'd be a great president if their delusional fearmongering was true. He was already president and none of the shit they said would happen happened! Leftists are literally insane. I watched some leftist meltdowns earlier and it was hilarious and awesome!

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