@liz£h · 12 answers · 4y

What kinds of social problems can arise when vegetarians and meat-eaters try to eat together?

It could start an argument if the vegetarians or vegans are annoying zealots who try to make everyone eat like them. Fuck veganism. Life consumes life. You don't have to like that fact but you should acknowledge it. Vegans want to pretend that we're not animals and say it's okay for animals to eat meat but not for us. Bullshit. Humans are animals too. We're part of nature. If it's okay for them, it's okay for us. If it's bad for us, it's bad for them. Eating meat doesn't magically alternate between bad and not bad based on who's doing it. It's either bad or it's not. I don't mind if people choose to be vegetarians or vegans. That's their choice. Just don't try to force it on me.

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