@liz£h · 12 answers · 4y

What kinds of social problems can arise when vegetarians and meat-eaters try to eat together?

a nastea debate on the ethics and environmental ethics of it? don't know, couldn't be me ! I have friends and have dated people with a variety of diets. if you respect them and you're all secure in your food choices, all you care about is: does the restaurant we're going to have enough food for everyone to enjoy?

The vegetarians are gonna recite Auguries of Innocence and the meat eaters are gonna quote John Cleese

Just a clash in lifestyles and personal morals, I'd imagine. Personally, though, I believe these supposed "social problems" aren't as pervasive as social media makes it out to be, as I've been in plenty of social groups where vegetarians/vegans and meat-eaters have eaten together and they've gotten along superbly. Most people adopt a "live and let live" outlook but it doesn't appear that way when people are always at each other's throats online.

I disagree with a lot of people here who think it's wrong or annoying for vegans to try to impose or preach about their lifestyle to others. Somebody has to speak up for the incredible abused and miserable animals who can't speak for themselves.

Ain't no beef in a vegetarian's lifestyle :) (#DorkyThingToSay) Golden key is never impose your lifestyle on to others. Everyone is on a different mindset and opinions can be conflicted when gone unchecked. Plus, if food that is provided isn't to my personal liking I either accept a small morsel or... say I am not feeling well and just drink water- FOOD it's a complex thing -being a rude picky eater has never been a great thing to get accustomed to.

Both can be really annoying and elitist about their dietary preferences. Especially vegans and (usually men) who attribute their meat eating ways to spiting Vegans and veganism. They're both equally annoying.

Depends on their character. A few meat-eaters will get upset, because deep, inside they know, it is not ethical. Vegetarians may look down on them, and that is what can start a fight. It is difficult. Vegetarians consume dairy and eggs and everything except fish and meat, it is not a huge step towards an ethical lifestyle only a small one. And a meat eater can be a more ethical consumer than a vegetarian, if he only eat meat once a week for example. Tell'em that is human nature.

I think it depends on the people - if everyone's chill it won't matter, but if people are going to be mean or preachy or whatever about it then yeah, it's going to be a long dinner.

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