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Bara · 14 answers · 2mo

Let’s say that, we’re planning to go on a trip! Where would you like to take me to? Why?

Bara · 13 answers · 2mo

When you feel upset or when you’re not really in a good mood, how do you like to be comforted?

Bara · 12 answers · 2mo

Hello, how are you doing nowadays? Anything good to share?

Ganteng · 2mo

Hai Jordan. Maaf samperin dari retro ya sebelumnya, tapi saya mau kenalan, boleh?

Daniel · 6 answers · 2mo

If you could meet your own self from three years ago, what would you tell them?

Ganteng · 2mo

Yaaah. Yang mana calonnya?

Daniel · 5 answers · 2mo

Gimana perasaannya besok libur? Ada agenda apa, guys?

Daniel · 4 answers · 2mo

Met malem guys. Memasuki jam TMI, pengen tau dong kebiasaan kalian sebelum tidur tuh ngapain sih?

Ganteng · 2mo

hi! kamu kelihatan bahagia!

Ganteng · 2mo


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