Dogboy2709 · 4 answers · 10mo

What are your thoughts on the sag aftra strike currently happening in the US? Are you on the writer's side or the studios side?

I'm for whatever kills Hollywood faster tbh. I actually wrote a nice post about this. one aspect of it is Basically the writers want a cut of the streaming platforms' profits. Which is fair except the platforms (Amazon, Netflix etc) CAN'T give them a fair cut without revealing the true viewership ratings. If they did the stock would tank no one is watching any new shows anymore. That would lead to cuts, i.e hiring less writers. And why is that. Because those same writers on those picket lines wrote nothing but woke liberal garbage and consumers are sick of it. That's the story. They (writers and studios) got in bed with the woke snakes and it poisoned them. 100 yrs of casting couches and raping girls is good enough 😁

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