BidenLadysMan · 2 answers · 2y

A wizard appears and says that he will make you a famous version of one of only these three things. A movie star, a musician or a chef. Which would u choose?🙂

tough choice, i have a passion for music (but I suck at it), but I also have a passion to be adored by millions of beautiful women, like a famous movie star would be..

Musician of course. Come to my next piano recital (vaccinated or not, iIdon't care) The Program: Paul Hindemith Piano Sonata no. 1 (Der Main) - Anton Webern: Variations, Op 27 - Koji Kondo (Super Mario Games Medley) -Intermission- Richard Wagner - Piano Sonata in B-flat, Op. 1, WWV 21 - Arnold Schönberg - Arnold Schönberg drei Klavierstücke op 11 - Beethoven Für Elise - No Encore

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