BidenLadysMan · 2 answers · 2y

doing the pro wrestling thing with Trump u hide them away for a bit to recuperate the character. So when Biden and Kamala are beating the hell out of America (they are😜) "HERE COMES TRUMP, TRUMP HITS THE RING! BAM KAMALA EATS THE BIG BOOT. BUT HERE COMES BIDEN THE RIGHT HANDS TO TRUMP, WHIP OFF THE ROPE...OHH TRUMP, LOU THEZ PRESS!! TRUMP'S A MANIC! REIGNING DOWN THE RIGHT HANDS TO BIDEN.. ROCK BOTTOM TO BIDEN, BIDEN FLEEING THE RING, THE CROWD GOES WILD!!" See easy😝

That's not Donald Trump. That's Donald Trump's younger brother, Ezekiel. LOL. WWE fans will get it.

Trump is interesting. Never should have been President but was never the threat the media made him out to be.

TDS is very real. Don't like him? Vote him out.

Unfortunately, Biden is worse imo.

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