Ody. · 5 answers · 7mo

Where’s the dream country (or countries, if you have multiple) you’ve been wanting to visit for a long time? Is there any specific reason why you choose those places?

actually there are many, but what I really dream of is Spain. I don't know, but I really liked that country for a long time.

Telat ga ya buat jawab ini? Saya dari kecil sampai sekarang punya tujuan ke United kingdom, alasannya mau ngelanjutin sekolah disana sih. Sama saya suka hal yang berbau historical, jadi merasa hidup di lingkungan negara sana apalagi daerah Edinburgh.

England! especially Prior Park in Bath, Chatsworth House, and Burghley House. the reason is that they were filming locations for Pride & Prejudice, and i absolutely adore that movie. i dream of experiencing the Jane Austen festival there. it's truly a dream country! ♡

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