Puniko · 9 answers · 9mo

if you have adhd, what are some of the methods you tried to get stuff done? which methods worked for you and which didn't?
if you don't have adhd, just ignore this question.

I take Vyvanse for ADHD, but I also use tricks like the Pomodoro Technique, in which you work for 25 minutes and then take short breaks of 5 minutes or so. I have found that this helps me focus and also prevents burnout. In addition, it usually helps me if I have some kind of calming background music playing while I work, so sometimes I'll listen to DJ sets or something similar. I also find that if I work on the same assignment for too long, I become unfocused, so I will alternate between different tasks/assignments throughout the day at different intervals.

One thing that has not worked as well was being too detailed in my planning, because my brain seems to like flexibility. I had had a therapist who would have me write out a schedule for almost every minute of the day, and it seemed that my brain found that to be too rigid. So I use a modified version of that now, where it is planned to a degree but things are able to be changed if necessary.

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