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Anonymous Coward · 22h

What's your limit on responding to controversial or heavy questions? Got something I'm wanting advice on for answering and you're someone with good media literacy and an understanding of morality. I want to ask cause my anxiety is killing me and its hard to figure out an answer.

If I don't want to deal with a question I just delete it. If it's malicious I block them.

Anonymous Coward · 1d

favorite final fantasy game?

Anonymous Coward · 1d

How have you been enjoying Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon so far?
Do you have a favorite character yet?

Anonymous Coward · 3d

What would make Dragon’s Dogma 2 better?

It desperately needs an actual writer so that anyone gives a shit about any characters in that game, and more verbs than "fight" and "talk" so that it can have any actual quest content. The travel system was cute in DD1 but expanding that same system to a huge open world obliterates the balance the previous game struck and turns the game into 50% commuting. The combat is literally all the game has, and that just isn't varied or interesting enough after the first ten hours.

Anonymous Coward · 3d

why no carl?

Anonymous Coward · 3d

whats the policy on like, approaching you at cons. like can people say they know you from your tube and attempt to do a conversation

I meet several new people per day at every con. I'm not afraid of being approached lol, I'm just awkward so if you don't bring extrovert energy it can be hard for me to salvage the conversation. I might have stickers!

Anonymous Coward · 4d

If this comes off as creepy/too forward you don't need to answer.

Have you ever considered doing IRL lewd content?

Anonymous Coward · 4d

Impossible dream:
Keith + Stephanie + Toaster reads The Smoke Room.

Make me one of those millionare youtubers and they'd both gladly quit their shitty jobs to read whatever you want lmao

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What’s your favorite play through that you’ve done on your channel? Any personal recs?

The Witness, Return of the Obra Dinn, and Outer Wilds all played their own roles in solidifying me as a guy who can talk about puzzle games instead of going back to the office. Every From Software playthrough just somehow feels like it matters more than any other RPG-type games I cover. But my favorite stuff to record or rewatch is always multiplayer or co-commentated: The Zero Escape trilogy with Andrew, Echo with Stephanie, Arches with Toaster, Resident Evil with Bird, Lethal Company as a whole, etc.

Anonymous Coward · 4d

Glances at Marrow's himbo mode.

Oona Michellehada, poor favor? Grassy ass.

Anonymous Coward · 5d

I'M SO GLAD I'm not the only one who is a believer of the "the parents are humans" Crack theory of adastra... I hope it is true n.n

The trick is that I read Andy Weir's "The Egg" exactly once but it comes to mind whenever I'm thinking about any sci-fi universe. It's just so intuitive that the Parents are so hands off, yet forceful, while every sibling race has been to Earth, because the Parents are actually humans overseeing their own civilization's birth. Any miscalculation leads to changes to the timeline, and themselves.

Anonymous Coward · 5d

is it okay to come out to people around you if they’re being homophobic but you cant tell if they’re joking or not

Anonymous Coward · 5d

So you're horny for TJ huh? 👀 Please do explain

Who doesn't want an emotionally supportive demisexual fitness boyfriend that takes you on hikes and cares about your future? Being christian gives me pause but he's very clearly not homophobic.

Anonymous Coward · 6d

Will you be braving the Bozja grind to see official Hrothgar worldbuilding?

Maybe. I still need to do the Stormblood beast tribes but I'm in the middle of the Ananta intro quests and haven't touched them in nine months lol

Logging in to do dailies is whatever, but being in the mood to record the story stuff is the roadblock for me. I put it off for ages because it feels too much like doing my job, which makes me think of my other priorities I should be working on.

Anonymous Coward · 7d

Would you want something like the Lingua from Adastra to speak and understand all languages?

This feels like a trap. Understanding everyone is a superpower but there was a whole section of my video that was about how the lingua specifically, with its attachment to the parents, is upsetting.

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