
As far as you know, I'm merely pretending to be a robotic cat.

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why do you say your birthday is the first sat in oct?

It's more convenient to celebrate it at weekends, and it's near enough to the actual date - which is just a random day which means very little to me. October weather is usually cool but not cold, hayfever season is over, and all the "celebrate summer!" stuff at supermarkets is reduced to clear. Plus, if someone forgets my birthday and for whatever reason feels guilty about it, they have a built-in excuse - they just forgot which day it was on this year! Everyone wins. :)

The Tricorgs · 8 answers · 7d

You are approached by a three foot tall corgi plushie. What do you do?

I bat at it, gently, curiously. I sniff at it. I nuzzle it. Then I sprawl on its belly and have a nice nap, because plushies make nice beds.


Approximately how many stickers are on your computer case? And, what are you wearing right now?


i gotta ask. WHY a ROBOT cat?


What does your happy place look like?

A warm, comfortable bed, in a darkened room. Computers quietly whirr and beep in the background. So, yeah, basically my bedroom when I close the curtains. :)


how much would you sell out for?

Surprisingly little. I'd love to never sell out, but society has decided that things such as food, fuel, and bus tickets are "optional extras" which must be paid for with money, and I only earn five hours' minimum wage per week, so... yeah.


why do you never retoot things that ask you to?

I'm very bad at telling who is and isn't trying to be exploitative. If someone wants a toot boosted, there's a reason for it, and that reason might not always be what I think it is. I'm sorry if this feels a bit cold, and it's totally on me, but the simplest solution that preserves my sanity and lets me not second-guess all my friends is to never boost toots that ask to be boosted.

Also, if I boosted every toot that asked for a boost, my timeline would be nothing but boosts!


What atracts you to shadow the edgehog?

It's very hard to explain why something is hot, especially when you're pan like me. I think it's probably a mixture of that voice that could melt butter, the domineering personality that'd have me on my knees in a heartbeat, and that smirk that promises... well, let's just say it's rather NSFW.


Is your fedibanner Eurovision heart?

Yes, it is, well spotted! It's the Eurovision heart, with the nonbinary pride flag instead of the flag of a country. :)


What pickup lines would work on you?

Corny ones, spoken in a tone dripping with irony. Worked for my partner, his sense of humour is as dry and witty as mine!

Yuriel · 20d

How was lunch at Costco? 😁 and if you haven't had it, when is it?

It was fine! The food isn't amazing, but it's definitely filling, and cheap too. And a £1.50 hot dog comes with unlimited Pepsi Max which is a good way to keep me awake. So, yeah, not amazing, not terrible, but fine. :)

The Tricorgs · 6 answers · 21d

What is one thing you're looking forward to? Doesn't have to be major or life-changing; it can be anything.


What is your favourite book series?

The Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton. It has vampires, werewolves, feminism, and kinky sex. What's not to love? :)


What's the bloody reason that spring's your favourite season?

🎶 I like to hear the robin sing, makes me feel the joy within, I like to smell ...🎶 oh, wait, I don't have a sense of smell. Long Covid ruined the song. Sorry about that.

The Tricorgs · 8 answers · 23d

What is the best thing that happened to you lately?

Discovering the joys of the triple ristretto - the quickest path to Awakesville. Tastes foul, but nothing wakes me up faster. And probably has less caffeine in it than mainlining Pepsi Max all day.

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