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Anon · 1mo

Tiny fennec fox kaveh and big leopard Alhaitham is doing something for me. Kaveh’s tiny and quick annoying Alhaitham by being out of reach until Alhaitham pounces, grabbing Kaveh and Bending him over a table

UEBSUSHS REAL. Oh my god 😭
Kaveh whining and trying to wiggle out of his grasp. “W-wait!” He protests, kicking his feet as he looks back.

“For what? You not done teasing me yet, little fox?” Ah… Alhaitham’s big tail is flicking behind him- he’s really peeved.

Kaveh decides teasing is no longer a good idea. “I wanna face you when you make me feel good,” he squeaks out instead, fluttering his lashes.

Alhaitham goes silent for a moment before carefully turning him over onto his back. “Is this better?”

Kaveh smiles a little and reached up, gently petting his ever so soft ears, “perfect~”

Anon · 2mo

hiiiii, i've spent the past hour or so going through a bunch of your old threads and my GOD your writing is so tasty !!!! genuinely loved every bit of it you're SO GOOD !!!

IDK WHY I HAVENT OPENED THESE IN SO LONG BUT 😭 YOU’RE SO SWEET??? I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my writing! Hopefully I can get back to it soon 🥹💕

Anon · 3mo

Ur crepkae was so good. I can see both crepus and Diluc sharing kaeya with Kaeya always walking around the winery cum leaking out of him since if one has him the other isn't far behind

🥹 THANK YOU. Ugh, it’s been so long since I’ve written it, but it’s still one of my favs. And omg, you’re so right. The two of them totally bicker over him too 🤭💕

Anon · 3mo

‘I block idiots’ 😭😭is so real lmaoo

I’ve been through my fair share of them LMAO. Eventually I just decided no more fighting just block 🤭

Anon · 4mo

Dottore fucking kaveh in front of alhaitham. The blond is so cute he might take him back to sneznya to show the other harbingers 😌

IRJSUSB BARKING. Especially with a bound up Alhaitham, completely unable to do anything. And sweet, sweet Kaveh is crying and moaning and arching into Dottore’s touch🥹 urghhh he SHOULD take him back to Sneznaya, I’m sure everyone else would love to have a piece of him too <33

Anon · 4mo

Honestly, all those outcomes are so good and deserve their own individual whole ass novels. And like, god. Machi falling for Leorio too? Such a silly idea 🥹<33 I actually love the idea of her showing up to Leo’s hangouts with everyone else and the boys being like “bro, Leo wtf.” And Leorio being like “I know she was bad but she’s changed and I love her 🥹” and just JWBSUAHAJ

Anon · 4mo

I have some Gon Killua ideas but they're not completely cute....
Also some chrollo/Kurapika but idk how okay you are with that pair

I’LL TAKE ANYTHING TBH. Honestly, I’m really not picky about anything 😩

Anon · 4mo

🥹🥹okay i got a really important question i need to ask..

have you watched Attack on Titan 🥹🥹💕

Anon · 5mo

EEEE KICKING MY FEET AND SQUEALING!!! these two are such exhibitionists 🤭 also Hinata was definitely coaxed into buying something like that from some of his elders 🤭 (probably Suga lets be fr)

Anon · 4mo

Childe manipulating Pierro into having a child. Like, of course Pierro wouldn’t mind having little ones running around but he doesn’t think that Childe is ready for children, however, that doesn’t stop the needy boy from eventually getting his way ❤️

Real 🥹 Childe sniffles and begs as he clings onto him. “Please Pierro? I want kids- I want your kids please!” And this goes on for hours before Pierro gives in and sighs “fine. But, if we don’t get you pregnant after the first try, we won’t try again until I say so.” And Childe agrees, but what he doesn’t expect is for Childe to be so insistent on it that he ends up riding him even when he’s passed out, making the old man cum into his womb over and over and over again 🤭

Anon · 5mo

You changed ur pfp and I forgot who you where. You can't talk about that video of that twink getting obliterated and not direct us where to find it

LMAO DSUHSJS I’M SO SORRY. I’ve been working on a little rebranding, but I’m still the same gilf enjoyer I’ve always been 😩💕 I’ll try to find the link for it and then I’ll post it under here on twt 🤭

Anon · 6mo

God, I just love pierro with a daddy kink, and streamer/camboy Childe <33

Anon · 5mo

I mean, both my favs are never present 😭 Thoma’s been in an okay amount of events, but very minimally. He and Childe both rlly get the short end of the stick lmao. Like when am I gonna get my malewife in mond?

Anon · 5mo

I have a wip where Toji has to knock Geto up to have a child to give the Zenin clan or they'll take Megumi......👉👈

👀😳 Oooooh. I love that 🤭 please send that to me when you’re done 👀 /srs

Anon · 5mo

Listen if geto was pregnant and barefoot he wouldn't have time to kill non sorcerers so someone got to take one for the team

REALLLL. Like if cough maybe Gojo… wants to fix that. I would say Toji but I think he’d probably find Geto’s goal amusing actually PPFFFT

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