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Gigi. · 7 answers · 10mo

Tell me what is your definition of happiness?

Happiness is when I see my loved ones beaming a delighted smile when they spend their time with me. Even when we aren’t doing anything, as long as I know they are happy, that makes me happy as well.

Actually, I find happiness in simple things. When I have a good hair day, when I have no plans on weekdays, when I get my daily dose of coffee and sweet treats as usual, when the weather is nice, when I feel pretty, when people look for me when I am not around and so on. But my greatest happiness is having my boyfriend, a lot of friends and my family by my side. It's a blessing, I feel loved. I thank God every time I remember them.

My definition of happiness is finding joy in the little things. About appreciating the present moment, the unexpected laughter shared with people i love, even happiness (for me) can be found in the quiet, the peace in a good book, good food, or the melody of my favorite song playing on a loop.

Happiness should be simple. When my surrounding is at ease and happy. When I see the bright sky with birds fly upon my head, prettify the shade of blue... it should be something which can be earned in an easy way, though the reality it is not as easy as it is said, but we can try.

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