Chris CM. Martinez · 4 answers · 4y

Emilia Clarke (Game Of Thrones) is going to be in a goofy Christmas rom-com. My how the mighty have fallen it's cause she showed her tits. hollywood's already seen her NOM, NOMS there's nothing left to offer:)

The co writer, Emma Thompson, is highly respected in the UK. With the exception of Jason Mamoa, Clarke has easily been the most successful up and coming stars of GOT.

I'm sure she's fine, it's not really a fall I would say - looks like Emma Thompson is in it, and she doesn't have to roll out of bed for shit at this point...also I would wager whatever they paid her for this will cover a lot of turkey sandwiches or Emilia wouldn't have rolled out of bed either

I am - right now - going to watch that movie. No shit, got tickets and all. Bye!

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