Daniel · 9 answers · 3y

Did you ever get into trouble with the police? What happened?

One time the freeway was brought to a complete stop by a veering motorcycle cop. I guess there was some debris he had to pick up. We were stopping, going, stopping, going. I was one of the cars up front. Well... It was the first day of a new job, and I was going to be late!!! After we had been stopped forever, decided to just exist. This pissed him him off. He claimed I wanted to kill him and asked for my license. I apologized and said it was my first time in this situation and I didn’t know I couldn’t exit. He gave me the dirtiest look and proceeded to do what he was doing super slowly. I was late that day. And that’s the only time I ever got in “trouble” with the police. This was about 10 years ago and I still remember his contempt for me. Bastard.

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