Alice 💋 · 11 answers · 3y

Watching a show about an Indian girl who's embarrassed/insecure about her heritage and very much related to this.. Have you ever been ashamed of who you are?

Yes, as a teen. I was in a high school that was actually very diverse, where white people comprised but a slim minority. About 90 % of the students were immigrants. The ruling majorities were Hispanic, Asian, and Middle eastern, not in that order. Obviously when you put a bunch of newly immigrated kids together, they will band with their “own.” There were some rivalries. Some bad blood. I was in the middle eastern category, but my friends were mostly Hispanic and Asian. That’s just who I connected with on a deeper level. My “people” thought I was strange for having friends of other races. My peeps were kind of loud, proud, rude, obnoxious and nationalists (which came off as racist sometimes). Seriously, one of my classmates told me once “omg you’re middle eastern? But you’re so nice!” I must admit, I didn’t connect with my people because their whole identity was based on their middle eastern-ness. my “people” embarrassed me so much I did not want to be associated with them.

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