Dingus · 8 answers · 2y

Do you appreciate when people check up on you after a long period of isolation?

There’s this lady I went to grad school with. Literally, the only times she would chat me up were when she needed help with homework. She’d approach all friendly, start up a conversation, be all into it, and then at the end ask for her favor. Every. Single. Time. She never just had a conversation with me that didn’t end in her asking for something. Then, we graduated and went our separate ways. Years later, she called and left a message saying she was just checking up on me bla bla bla. I was surprised. I know she wanted something but What did she have to gain from me now? So in dismay, I picked up the next time she called. We chatted, and right as we were about to end the convo BAM. There it was. She heard that I passed a job interview she was also applying for, and wanted my notes on my presentation. AS IF!! I just gave her the name of the textbook that I had used and we hung up. She called me once more after that, years later. Wonder what she wanted that time. I never responded. Fuck users. I’d respect her more if she was upfront with her requests and didn’t pretend like she cared. Can’t stand people like that.

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