Daniel · 11 answers · 1y

What kind of clothing style do you like at guys who are around 30 years old?

Unrelated story time! When my husband and I started dating, we were still working at the same place. He always stood out from the rest of the peeps because he came to work dressed formally, including a tie. I went to work dressed like I was helping someone move (I.e jeans and T shirt). One time we decided to go out right after work. I brought a change of outfit, so that I could look nice. He also did apparently, and I wondered how much nicer could he look? Well, after work we went into the bathrooms to change. When I came…. out he was waiting for me… in an old ratty T-shirt with holes 😱 apparently that is his style and he only ever dresses up for work. Both are fine. I guess.

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