Alice 💋 · 7 answers · 3y

What are your thoughts on the Jacob Blake ordeal? Is "but he was guilty of stuff!" An acceptable justification for such a senseless murder?

I just read about it. I don't know what he was guilty of, other than being on his ex-girlfriend's premises or something like that where he was unwelcome. Even if he was guilty of something worse, it's not the police's job to be judge, jury and executioner. Though apparently they'd already tased him and he opened his car.. I guess they feared he was going to pull a gun out? Seems rather speculative on the part of the officer though. And it's obvious that in general police officers in the US are way too trigger-happy.

'"What we see is very clear, if there's a scuffle ... he's not swinging at an officer, he's not doing anything to attack an officer. He is trying to get away," Crump told CNN.'

I don't think police should be able to shoot you for trying to get away, and I think they legally can't. I hope this officer gets fired and maybe even goes to prison.

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