Alice 💋 · 8 answers · 3y

What's the most out of shape you've ever been and what's been your peak physique? Which did you go from and how?

I was 200 pounds once. I stepped on a scale for the first time in months, and it said exactly 200.0. That was interesting. All the extra weight was in my belly too, and I'm rather small-framed, so I looked kinda ridiculous. That was a few years ago. About 10-20 years ago I used to be pretty thin. I ate like a bird all my life, but then I started eating just out of boredom, and that's when I started getting fat. I'd say peak physique must've been when I was a kid, because our bodies always go downhill from there. Even then though I had a really hard time doing the mile run. =P My coach even asked me if I had asthma once because of how I was breathing after it (I don't). But I suffered through it and got the Presidential Fitness Award every year. One year I made it by like a second or so.

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