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saturn · 11 answers · 11mo

is there a common trait in people you attract?

A friend once said I attract cool people. I've been friends with a lot of people who I find amazing for various reasons. Another thing I noticed I attract is schizophrenics. There was a time in my life where it seemed the only people who talked to me out of the blue and kept talking to me were schizophrenics, like five of them or something. And I only have one schizophrenic friend now, but boy do I see a lot of highly schizophrenic activity in IRC. I guess it's something about the channels I choose to join. Nowadays, regarding people who seem to want to talk to me, it's mainly just fellow losers. I mean, I try not to see anybody as a "loser" and tend not to, but I mean "losers" according to their status within and judgment by greater society. It's amazing how like energy attracts like. =P

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