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saturn · 11 answers · 11mo

is there a common trait in people you attract?

I don't know who I attract. Seems to be a whole range of people. But maybe a common trait is a soft, caring heart, underneath all the baggage, pains and whatever else.

"Boring" people

Not that I think they're boring, but my friends and the person I'm seeing are just lowkey people who are past the age where they have energy to party and be out every weekend. We're old I guess is what i'm trying to say

I seem to attract tall, blonde and usually incompatible women. Men are much more diverse and show little common ground it seems.

So I used to say 'Cougars and Gay Men', but I think thats just because they typically are more vocal when I've attracted them. But I think women around my age are starting to feel more empowered to make things clear.

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