Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 20 answers · 2mo

QOTD — Do you prefer dating IRL or online dating? Why?
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 I feel like this question has more nuance than some people think; since online, you can curate your spaces, you're much more likely to find someone who fits into an "Ideal Type" of yours ... But you're not even sure if you can trust that sort of person. IRL, you have fewer opportunities to meet people and it's generally more awkward and even anxiety inducing to pursue romance. I honestly feel that IRL there are more mixed signals than online; in fact, people online are too honest and transparent about their feelings (at times). IRL, if you get past the crush-stage, then you also have to worry about planning outings and meeting their family ... Online, you can play a game then listen to the other work while matching icons and that's about it for your options of dates. Realistically, I'd prefer a mix of both. A simple LDR. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that. Though I'm happy with how I and Amelie are.

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