Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 20 answers · 2mo

QOTD — Do you prefer dating IRL or online dating? Why?
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as someone who has done both, definitely prefer irl dating, but i don't mind online dating if me and the other person knew each other for a while

I do prefer dating IRL... It makes such a big difference and for some reason, I feel more connected to my partner. I can actually be there for them, I can be their crying shoulder and I can be affectionate with them. I've dated Online in the past but it didn't end well...

Hard question.
It's easier to make a connection with someone IRL, and you could actually be able to see eachother not through a screen which is definitely better.
Online dating is fine too, I've even considered it myself, but I think it should only be done with the right precautions, seeing as people aren't always all they make themselves out to be.

irl because physical touch is my love languages, but theres a couple people i would date online

IRL DATING (Ilovemywife)
youre able to communicate in ways which you cant over text, there is less misunderstandings, YOU CAN KISS EACHOTHER!!! AND GIVE EACHOTHER GIFTS AND
guys i love my wife so muhc did u know that
shes so pretty ilvoe her

irl just because my love language is physical touch and i like beinf in rhe same room as loved ones sometimes but i dont mind edating if we've known eachother for longer than a year and set boundaries for eachother like with my current gf

⠀*⠀ I'm only answering this because I thought It was funny, None because In–sys relationships 🔛🔝 —Comet.

I don’t have any dating experience and have only ever dated one person online… I don’t have much of a preference to say the least, I think I’m just better off alone!

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