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ASimplenotiboi · 30d

Nendi somehow becomes the size of an action figure and Faithe tries to get her back to size by inflating her y/n

The keyword is "tries", here.
Nendi's limit is nowhere near Faithe's, so while the best Faithe can do is make her the size and shape of somewhere near the middle of a soccer/basketball, it's enough for the time being. It's not the best solution and the latent issue of "Nendi is small" still hasn't been fixed, but it's a small patchup of a larger dilemma.
On the bright side, Faithe got to kiss her girlfriend proportionally huge, and being slightly larger does help her feel less small, at least. Things aren't as imposing when you're a few in diameter instead of none.
Plus, easier to keep track of where she is, at the moment. Bigger objects are easy to find, after all!

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