Disc · 3 answers · 2y

If your oc ever accidentally hurts someone’s feelings how would they respond?

Estella is painfully prideful, and is...a little abrasive by nature. However if she's made aware that she has hurt someone, and especially if its someone she actually cares about, she would try to swallow her pride and make amends.

She'd try to do just about anything other than actually say sorry, but if a direct apology is demanded she would acquiesce

If it was Jin prepare to be bombarded by apologies, bowing, the whole nine yards. It depends on the level of the offence of course but the girl has a strong belief that it's a hero's job to make people feel better, they can't be going around being recklessly rude to people.

Visi freaks out and apologizes 1,000,000 times. Same with Pepper and Dory, Dory just had less ‘sorry’’s. Ilex tries paying back.

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