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Disc · 3 answers · 3y

Tell me about your Villain ocs, what are their motives behind why they act a certain way and do they have any regrets?

Well I only have Lucy so far, Visi’s long lost brother and leader of my evil team. He is driven by a constant fear of losing his loved ones, fear that the world will just disappear one day, and fear the world is too evil to go on. He only regrets what he does later in life.

Endwin lost his family to rampaging pokemon and sees how many legendaries nearly destroy the world acting like beasts or children. He's decided people need the power to compete with pokemon and imprison the so-called undeserving "gods" to preserve humanity.

Char is high on being beloved, popular, and rich and can't handle the idea of losing any of it so he just reaches higher through illegal means.

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