Dm_BC · 11 answers · 2y

I've asked this before to some, but curious: What background noise do you like to work to (if any)?

Either a playlist of fanmade videogames/series music or a compilation of long videos i´ve seen like a million times but are still interesting or funny to hear to me

Adhd makes it difficult. Mindless comedy like game grumps, study audios, music on loop.

I usually listen to a random series on YouTube or Netflix, I just need something making noise

For me it could be YouTube videos, movies I’ve seen a bunch of times, podcasts, or music if I really need to focus

I actually need to experiment with different kinds of background noise, more often than not I just work to silence/ambient white noise

Either some game OSTs or a youtube video (usually long-form stuff that I've already watched, so I can tune it out easily).

Just some of the more lowkey music I listen to. A lot of it is really hype so I have to be careful or I get distracted LMAO

I like those Reddit YouTubers like R/Slash reading funny stories as I draw. As well as 1hr version music or murder shows. Really depends on my mood

None, really.

I rather listen to music when I'm working because it's usually too quiet where I live, despite being a city boy and being subjected to the occasional traffic noises.

Oh usually I either have a podcast on, a long form YouTube video that I know I can just listen to the commentry of...
But if I'm writing something and I really need to focus, I like putting on instrumentals of music. I do think it's true that sometimes you could get caught up with the words and lyrics of a song, but the actual melodies can really hit you in a way that helps you get in the head of a character, a scene or so on.

I struggle to work in silence so I need something going off in the background. At work just office chatter is fine. When I'm home and doing something, sometimes i have a playlist off in the background or a podcast - otherwise things get TOO quiet and i feel too aware of everything else around me.

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