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Did Fedi help you discover you're a lesbian?
i kinda already knew but fedi helped set that in stone i guess
yes and no?
prior to joining fedi I had only been interested in women but also had only ever been a dude
so without it I would never have been a lesbian (thus yes)
but also I learned on fedi im attracted to some men soooooooo idk
wouldnt quite say 'lesbian' xp i think i had most™ of it figured out already, altho fedi def has helped finding out more and experiencing it :3
(I'm technically not a lesbian, but) I think if I didn't discover fedi I would probably still be a cis bi man so in a way, yes, fedi did help me discover my lesbianism
helped me descover ellie/idog, whom is a lesbian
Partly. I've always known I was more attracted to women, but it helped figure out just how much. -Topaz
Nope. I've always known that I'm more attracted to girls. -Mali
i think it helped with something else
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