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EverBeyondReach · 9 answers · 9mo

What was the first movie you saw in theaters?

IIRC, I think a small local theater was showing Disney movies during the day, and my dad took me to see Snow White. I have a very vague memory of that.

I think it was either The Jungle Book, Snow White or Bambi when I was still in single digits. Local cinema was rerunning a lot of old Disney movies. Fun fact, because I saw them in the cinema as a child, I didn't realise how old any of these Disney animations were until I was in my teens and I was SHOCKED!

It was An American Tail (Tail is a pun there because it's a story about rats, a brother and sister got separated). An American Tail came out in 1986 according to Wikipedia.

I'm pretty sure my parents took me to at least one movie as a baby, so I wouldn't remember.

I don't really remember? 🤔 You'll have to forgive me, I was born in the last third of the 1900s.

The earliest memories I have of going to the movies is of watching the Ninja Turtles and, I f***ing kid you not, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. I believe that was also the first "what the ASS?" moment of my life. 😆

It's hard to remember specifically, but I want to say that it was for Disney's Tarzan. Honestly I remember remarkably few theater-going experiences. I think Holes was one, and I know I saw Ponyo in a theater, one of the X-men movies, and... <shudder> TLA... haven't been in theaters since. It's definitely because I'm just not a theater person, it's often just kinda uncomfy and too loud for me, but we can also say that TLA scarred me for life, because that's also equally if not more so valid.

Hmm, I can't remember for sure but I think it must've been either Aladdin or The Lion King. I have a very vague memory of seeing Aladdin on the big screen, so if I did, that was the first, but like said, can't be exactly sure. However, The Lion King I'm positive about, I went to see it at least twice.

The first one i know of was the Animated movie of The King and I, i was like 4 or 5 i think.

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