Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

verimakea · 9mo

This is so specific and probably long but bear with me. Kyman frickin in skirts.

I had this scenario running rampant in my mind for too long many years ago of the main four pulling up to a halloween party in those japanese school girl outfits as a joke (kenny and eric doing it for the bit, stan got persuaded by wendy cos she thought it would be hot, and kyle got forced into it somehow)

Eric and kenny are feeling it up, fucking around and being just stupid 19 year old dudes and partying while stan and kyle are kinda embarrassed. But kyle gets so hot and bothered by eric in that stupid outfit and he's so fucking mad and embarrassed of himself.

At some point kyle has had it enough of eric bending over and just being annoyingly hot in that stupid joke of a costume so he drags him into another room and ✨️🌈❤️💦🔥

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