Beau Bellamy · 3mo

Oh hello! I don’t think I’ve seen you two around the neighborhood before. Regardless, name’s Beau. I’m the lifeguard at the pool, so if you’ve been there and see like, one lifeguard dog, that’s me.

How are you guys liking Babylon? When did you two first move here?

Nadia: "Hello! I only moved here a few months ago, but I am in love with this place. I feel so much freedom in the neighbourhood, my previous home was kind of strict, I always had to prepare for those dumb dog shows and stuff. 99% of the pets here are very nice and friendly, I can do pretty much whatever I want, so all in all, this has been a pleasant experience for me. Also I had no idea that this place has a pool, definitely will pay a visit there."

Solar: "Hi Beau! I've been living in Babylon Gardens for a while now. I was adopted when my mom and dad moved here about 6 years ago. They thought that Sonar, may he rest in peace, may need a pet-sibling after our human-sister moved to the East Coast due to her studies. I'm kind of an indoors cat, especially in the last one or two years, so that's why you might have not seen me around. I like this neighborhood, it's very calm, friendly and quiet. I don't think I could ever live in a big city because of all those loud noises, so I'm very happy that I can live in a nice suburb like this."

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