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Orange Lantern · 3 answers · 2y

Jedi, Grey Jedi or Sith? And why.

hmm i'm only really knowledgeable in star wars canon. grey jedi is only really a legends thing but i would love for them to bring it back and expand on those ideas! if we're talking about modern day pt, ot, and st then i'd say i fuck with the idea of the grey jedi, but if we're talking about back during the high republic then i'd say regular jedi. i genuinely hate how culty pt jedi had become, but they were amazing back in the older days. they grew from selfess heroes to lazy cultists who only cared about their rules. the grey jedi carve their own path from what i understand and to me that's more valuable than sitting on your ass until a council of jedis who are also sitting on their ass tell you what to do

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