Many · 10mo

Which video game twinks you like do you think you'd lose in a fight against, and which ones would you win against?

Win: Vaan from FFXII. I haven't beat the game yet so he probably kills god or something, but let's be real - I could take him.
9S from Nier Automata. He may be a machine built specifically for murder, but I guarantee you if I called him a bitch he'd start crying
Raiden (MGS2): "Hey check out this GameFAQs thread from 2002. They're talking about you!"

Lose: Raiden (Revengeance-era). The heels. The hair. I'd be quaking in my fucking boots.
Link (any). I tried to pick even just one twink Link I could take out, but like. He just wouldn't give up, is the problem. Throw hands all you want, he's not gonna stop.
G'raha Tia. My poor heart couldn't take it.

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